Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Does your business need funding? Why not ask an angel?

So you have developed your business idea, you have forecasted and calculated every detail about the business you want to start, your business plan is well written and now all you need are the funds to push it forward. In our current economy, traditional banks may not be the best place to go when looking for funding. You have already exhausted family members and your personal savings is not quite enough to get you off the ground. Have you thought about pitching your business idea to an Angel Investor?

Does your business need funding? Why not ask an angel?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ten Alternative Energy Startups in California

When you hear the word California, people immediately think of Hollywood Actors and Silicon Valley Technology but what about Alternative Energy? California is made up of several different topographies that make it ideal for Alternative Energy Companies to call home. Here are Ten Clean-Energy Startups located in California that are trying to make an impact on not only the environment but the market as well.

Ten Alternative Energy Startups in California

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ten Free Site Builders to Launch your Business Website!

By now every business owner should know that the Internet is here to stay, the days of opening up a yellow pages directory to seek out a business are fading away faster then the hope that the Indianapolis Colts are going to make the Super Bowl this year. Now adays building a website is easier and faster then before, we have comprised a list of the top ten website builders that can not only host your site but give you the tools to build one yourself for FREE.Read more:

Ten Free Site Builders to Launch your Business Website!

How to Network while attending your next holiday party!

How to Network while attending your next holiday party!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Linking my Facebook with my Blogger account

It's been a while since I've jumped on here and I believe it's due to the inconvenience of time, lacking to available time to blog on here, update the twitter account and keep up with Facebook. Now that I found the app to link Facebook and Blogger it seems like a match made in heaven.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kick off to CES

Hello everyone, I hope everyone had a great holiday and a safe New Year. Now the real Christmas for techs begins today as we kick off CES 2009 in Las Vegas!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Welcome to Monday

Today for me just started 2 hours ago and already it is peaking to be a busy one. Over the weekend I did an update to our IBM i5 Server and when completed everything checked out ok, yet sometime over the weekend the server IPL'd and didn't complete. Now everything is working fine but now I have to find out what happened to my server. I'll try and keep you posted...

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